Find Out Which of These 5 Facials You Need Right Now

Alright, health and beauty enthusiasts, we’ve discussed why you should incorporate facials into your routine here. Today we’re eager to give you the details about our brand-new facial menu at Health Resonates. Are you looking for something that will plump and assist with anti-aging? Fighting stubborn acne? Craving a clean beauty facial, like, yesterday? Or maybe you’re looking for a bit of everything? Find out which of these five facials is calling your name!

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How to Use Glamour Magic to Boost Confidence and Feel Your Best

As we fall into the Leo season here, we are stepping into the versions of us that are assured of our convictions and driven to do whatever we want to do with our life! It’s also considered a creative time as well - perfect! Last week we talked about working on our inner and outer beauty through soul work; this week, we’re talking about beauty enhancements because both are essential tools and options for feeling your absolute best. After all, it’s Leo season so let’s get after what we want.

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Beauty Starts From the Inside, Out

It’s officially Cancer Season; you know what that means: it’s time for rest, relaxation, and becoming more in tune with your inner, emotional side. You know, soul work. It’s summertime! Naturally, the term ‘bikini ready’ comes with summer - we cringe. There is no such thing as being ‘bikini ready’ because everybody is a beach body. There, we said it! But let’s be honest here, summertime also means everyone on vacation, posting their perfectly tanned bodies, plump cherry red lips, and cute bikinis all over your feed - and we admit, sometimes we get a little jealous. And compare. But this summer, we’re promising we’ll be better and focus more on the US than the photos in our feed. Cheers to emotional intelligence, a healthy mindset, and a blissful summer season.

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Women in Wellness Uniting in a World Divided

We can all agree there’s no denying the world feels divided about almost everything. But if there’s one group that has come together now more than ever, it’s women.

We are delighted to announce to our Health Resonates community that this summer, Tara Evelyn, Licensed Massage Therapist, Energy Healer, Aesthetician & Founder of Health Resonates, and Anna Flaherty, Experienced Licensed Massage Therapist & Aesthetician, are uniting as co-owners of Health Resonates, a Boutique Wellness Spa in Portland, Maine!

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3 Simple Stretches to Stimulate the Lymphatic System

First, what even is the lymphatic system? Write this one down because it’s essential! Your lymphatic system is your body's 'sewerage system,'’ which maintains fluidity tissues by removing fluids leaking in our blood vessels. The lymphatic system is essential for the optimal functioning of our general and specific immune responses. And helps with de-bloating. Thus, lymph flow should be the next thing on your to-do list!

Today we’re sharing three super simple stretches to help you stimulate your lymphatic system.

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How-To Reprogram Your Mindset and Change Your Life

What if we told you you could reprogram your mindset? What if we said you could heal yourself by calling on different networks of neurons? You’re about to be blown away. Did you know by the time you’re 35 years old, you’ve memorized a set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions that function like a computer program? Wild. And maybe you woke up today thinking nothing will change or improve.

Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re sharing insight on how you can reprogram your mindset to change your life positively.

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The Perfect Father’s Day Bundle for Wellbeing

Ah, the mornings are getting brighter, and the nights feel like they’re getting longer. We love when it starts to feel like summer! Part of us can’t believe we’re halfway through 2022 already, and as we look ahead at our calendar, we notice some exciting holidays are coming up! Next on our agenda is: Father’s Day. And we love a reason to gift! Whether you have a father, step-father, or older sibling who acted like your father or your situation, we have the perfect little bundle to show them your appreciation for their love and support. Nothing says, “You work so hard, I care about you, and I love you” more than an all-natural wellness package.

Today we’re sharing the perfect Father’s Day bundle for the ultimate well-being.

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How Vitamin D Can Give You Beautiful Glowing Skin

Don’t you find it almost hypocritical for skin guru’s tell you to slather SPF every day before leaving the house for sun protection? Listen, we’re not saying we’re against sunscreen, but we are about to let you in on the fact that the sun is quite suitable for you. Though our skin can be sensitive to too much sun exposure, and repeated sunburns can cause visual damage, the sun can help preserve the health and beauty of your unprotected skin.

Today we’re sharing three ways to get beautiful skin from unprotected time under the sun.

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5 Reasons to Add Facials to Your Skin Care Routine

We’ll cut straight to the chase here, facials are not only one of our favorite pampering activities, but they’re also super beneficial for the overall health and wellness of your skin.

We often hear how clients wish they had “more time for facials” but fail to remember all of the other regular appointments they have in their calendars, like the kid’s soccer practice, the dentist, or even a dog grooming visit. Why do we often put ourselves at the bottom of our to-do lists? Shouldn’t we put more time and energy into caring for ourselves and our skin?

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3 Ways to Make the Most of Your Mental Health Day

We get you - your stress and anxiety levels have reached their peak. It’s time to take a mental health day, but what will you do with it? Our head tells us to just lay in bed all day, and we’ll feel better when there are key things we should do instead to help our body and mind reset. While one day of nurturing your body won’t cure everything, including underlying health conditions, it will undoubtedly provide a much-needed break to pause, me back with greater regroup, energy, and a fresh, less-stressed perspective. Who doesn’t want that?

Today we’re sharing three tips to help you make the most of your mental health day. Because let’s be honest, your mental health is just as important as your physical health - and that’s on self-care.

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Clean Beauty Brand Focus: Savor Beauty

Last month we did a clean beauty round-up, and everyone loved it! This month we want to highlight one of our clean beauty brands - with proven results - here at Health Resonates: Savor Beauty. If there’s a brand you should be obsessed with, it’s this one.

Not only are they women-led and owned, but women also make their products! Win, win, win! To quote their Instagram Bio: “Natural skincare inspired by Korean beauty rituals,” so you know their products are good. Founder Angela Jia Kim developed an esthetician-approved numbered non-toxic skincare system where the products are great on their own, but they’re better when used together.

You know how sometimes you need to remember which product goes in which order? Luckily, Savor Beauty has them labeled - and exceptionally chic, we may add. Let’s dive into their top products, shall we?

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Why Massages Are Some of the Best Forms of Self Care

You know when you’re at the nail salon, and at the end of your manicure, they give you a hand massage you didn’t know you needed? Or when you’re at the gym and rolling out your leg muscles before starting your workout, it hurts but feels so good. Massages come in many forms and have many benefits when talking about self-care.

Today we’re sharing with you why massages are some of the best forms of self-care, their benefits, and the differences between the types of massages you can get here at Health Resonates!

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3 Areas of Your Life to Cleanse for a Fresh Start this Spring

Could it be? Is that the sun? Raise your hand if you’re excited for bright mornings and soon 8 PM sunsets - because so are we. Spring and summer are on their way; honestly, we’re ready to thrive.

Even though the calendar starts in January, for some reason, springtime feels more like a new season for us, and thus, spring cleaning must begin, and hibernation must end! Today we’re sharing three areas of your life + home to cleanse for the ultimate fresh start this spring!

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How Intuition Can Positively Change Your Life

Call it your gut feeling, some say it’s your instinct, but intuition is the ability to understand something immediately without needing conscious reasoning. You know when you sense something isn’t right, but you can’t explain why? It’s your inner voice talking to you, and often, people don’t listen to it or second-guess themselves because ‘it doesn’t make sense.’ So, why is this important?

Because your intuition tells you what needs to be heard, it’s up to you to listen. Today I’m sharing how-to start tuning into a woman's intuition and how it can positively change your life.

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How-To: Gua Sha

Where do you even begin? In the ancient days, they used a bull horn as their scraping tool, but in the modern day, there are numerous tools out there to help you achieve that chiseled look. It’s essential to have the right gua sha tools, so you don’t damage your skin - only the best for you! (We’re obsessed with the new citrine gua sha tool - pair it with the pumpkin seed serum for the perfect pairing)

Now that we have had our history lessons and chosen our gua sha tools, next is learning how to use them properly - be wary of influencers online you see using the gua sha tools; we often see they’re holding their devices incorrectly or not applying the correct pressure. Leave it to the professionals to teach you so you can get the most out of this practice!

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Clean Beauty Round-Up

It’s time! Everybody loves a good clean beauty product round-up, and today I’m sharing with you our top 5 favorite all natural products at the moment. Trust us, you’re going to be obsessed!

Why we love clean beauty: The adverse effects of possible synthetic ingredients in makeup and beauty products can be super broad, from harming your health to on a larger scale, damaging the environment. And if we’re honest with you, the benefits of non-toxic beauty products that use only natural ingredients are overwhelming.

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Knowing When to Invest

We see it all the time on Pinterest or in movies, “You only get one life.” It may sound cheesy but they’re pretty much on point. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, you’re here now, living your life as it is in the present. So, let us ask you this..

Have you ever felt uninspired by your work? Do you feel unchallenged and unmotivated in what you do day-to-day? Do you feel this pull to take a leap and evolve with other professionals in your industry? Or do you intuitively deep down want to be the best you can be, living excited for the positive impact you’ll make on the world? If you’re quietly thinking “YES” to any of these, it may be time to invest in yourself, your business and your future.

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2 Simple Gua Sha Techniques to Give You Flawless Skin

There is one goal most every woman has as we grow through life: to have immaculate skin. Not only is your skin our largest organ, it’s also a direct reflection of our inner health as well. Thanks to perfectly-curated social feeds and over-edited magazine ads, our idea of “perfect skin” can sometimes feel out of reach. (A little reminder that skin is meant to have texture and no one actually has zero pores.) I, myself, even struggle with breakouts, redness and some morning puffiness.

Luckily, by using these simple and effective gua sha techniques, having healthy, flawless skin is at the tip of your fingers. We are talking contour and minimizing fine lines.

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The Importance of Working Out Energetic Blockages

Do you ever feel like some aspects of your life move oh so effortlessly, whereas other areas feel stagnate? The reason for why it may be hard to move forward in certain areas of your life is because of something called energetic blockages.

Let’s dive right into the importance of working out your energetic blockages and how you can help heal them to create a more meaningful life.

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