The Importance of Working Out Energetic Blockages

Do you ever feel like some aspects of your life move oh so effortlessly, whereas other areas feel stagnate? The reason for why it may be hard to move forward in certain areas of your life is because of something called energetic blockages. 

Let’s dive right into the importance of working out your energetic blockages and how you can help heal them to create a more meaningful life.

What Does an Energy Blockage Feel Like?

We know our bodies are systems of energy and when we feel good, we feel good. But when we’re not feeling our best, have unhelpful or negative patterns, we’re feeling stuck in the same place, feel constant depression, struggle with frequent procrastination about the same issue and maybe have an increased consumption of alcohol and food.. it’s usually a tell-tale sign we have blocked energy. And sometimes, it takes a little bit more than a great skincare routine and some tea to help heal. Luckily, there are ways to get to the root cause and help heal the blockages both at home or with your trusted energy healer.

Energy healers connect with the Divine to infuse positive light and energy into our energetic fields that need a little bit of loving. Here at Health Resonates we offer intuitive services like massage therapy, polarity therapy, chakra clearing, crystal healing, space cleansing, gua sha work and training as well as energy work. We love to mix and match our services to achieve absolute wellness, but our current obsession right now is gua sha!

How Can I Help Workout My Energy Blocks?

Whether you choose to get a deep tissue massage or opt for doing your gua sha routine at home, releasing energetic blocks is essential to clearing stagnant energy and living life to its fullest potential. Without healing, your personal and spiritual growth can only go so far. Picture a brand new house built on an old broken foundation, it’s going to have problems eventually - you can bet on that. Healing = growing. And the more you grow, the more you increase your capacity for a meaningful life - which is what it all comes down to. 

If you’re interested in clearing your energetic blocks by working with an energy healer, contact us here. Happy Healing.