April Showers
We are dealing with a lot right now. We are experiencing changes in lifestyle, heightened emotions, and we are encountering an abundance of information relating to health and our current situation, some of which may be encouraging and some of which is overwhelming or upsetting. I’ve compiled some of the most helpful things I’ve picked up in the past 30 days in the hopes that this information serves you in some way.
“When working from home, it’s important to remember to stay in a proper ergonomic position to avoid musculoskeletal problems.”
My guess is that your home office may not have been prepared for this sudden change in use. Chances are you are rotating rooms to work in and not every place you choose is ergonomically correct for your body’s optimal alignment. Check out this article from Well + Good and figure out the best and worst places to sit when working from home, according to posture pros!
This article below truly speaks to me. The last line being, “Remember that happiness is not a circumstance or an outcome; it’s a skill.” If you struggle with letting go of negativity and moving on from things that bring you down, check out 10 Ways to Detox Your Emotions by The Everygirl. Implementing little practices for 7+ days can transform these practices into habits. I personally would love happiness to be a natural habit I use in every situation.
We are all feeling some sort of energy shift taking place around us right now. Are you embracing the stillness, calmness, and what may even feel like a shift in the Earth’s vibration? This next article gives me all the feels. Yesterday I went on a drive and I swear, even in Maine, I saw way more wildlife than I normally do. Could it be that this switch in a lifestyle of hustle is making a significant impact on the Earth’s Vibration? Check out what Scientific American has to say about the changes scientists are seeing during our stay home ordinances.
Visit my friend Bio Hack Brittany’s blog and see how you can be making your own hand sanitizer, even with the shortage of ingredients. I’ve been doing this at home with witch hazel, essential oils, and filtered water. After watching this I may need to add in one of her ingredients to soothe the skin and create a nice consistency. Check out what that may be here!
Lastly, follow me on Instagram to stay up to date with my self-healing rituals that you can do from your home. Coming soon is my self-massage tutorial to help with “computer” neck tension. Learn my go-to self neck massage for those adjusting to a change of work set up.
-Tara Evelyn C