Cleansing your Crystals - How and Why

Though most owners of crystals know how precious and powerful they are, many don’t know that there are steps you should take to maintain their effectiveness and power - including cleansing them.

Today, I’m covering everything you need to know about crystal cleansing - from how you can do it, to why doing so is so important.

How to Cleanse your Crystals

Cleansing your crystals can be done in a variety of ways, so you should find and stick with what works best for you. In this guide, I’m going to be covering three methods of cleansing: saltwater soaks, full moon rituals, and breath.

Salt Water Soaks

Saltwater is amazing for crystal cleansing because salt is known for its ability to squelch negative energy and renew that which it touches.

There are two different ways you can do a saltwater soak, depending on where you live and what you have access to. First (and this method is the most preferable) you can soak your crystal in fresh saltwater from the ocean. Second, if you don’t have access to ocean water, you can mix together lukewarm water and table salt to create your own soak.

Regardless of the method you choose here, soak your crystals anywhere from two to forty-eight hours to see rejuvenated and powerful crystals. Simply dry them with a towel after.

Full Moon Rituals

A full moon (especially if you are near the ocean) is an excellent time to cleanse your crystals through recharging. The moon boasts both magnetic and luminous powers, which do wonders for recharging your crystals so they are ready to vibe at their strongest frequency following their moon bath.

To do this ritual, simply run your crystals under warm water, pat them dry with a towel, and set them in direct moonlight (outside is preferable) during the night of the full moon. I love this method because it is natural, easy, and so effective for crystal cleansing.


If you need to cleanse or recharge your crystals but don’t have access to water, breath cleansing is a fantastic alternative. 

In order to do this, simply hold your crystal in your dominant hand and take a series of intentional deep breaths and exhales. While doing this, you should be manifesting in your mind the exact energies you want your crystal to embody - whether it’s peace, healing, inspiration, or love.

Why Cleansing is Important

Crystal cleansing is important because, over time, after many uses, your crystals can become less powerful (requiring a recharge) or muddled with the negative energies they are casting out of you doing your crystal therapy.

For this reason, crystal cleansing is a great way to restore your crystals’ natural strength and intentions without the need to go out and buy new crystals altogether.

There are many more methods for cleansing besides the ones I have detailed here, but I have found these methods to be easiest, most convenient, and most effective. I often time combined all three of these for best results!

Which methods of cleansing are you excited to try?