3 Areas of Your Life to Cleanse for a Fresh Start this Spring

Could it be? Is that the sun? Raise your hand if you’re excited for bright mornings and soon 8 PM sunsets - because so are we. Spring and summer are on their way; honestly, we’re ready to thrive.

Even though the calendar starts in January, for some reason, springtime feels more like a new season for us, and thus, spring cleaning must begin, and hibernation must end! Today we’re sharing three areas of your life + home to cleanse for the ultimate fresh start this spring!

Your closet.

Yes, your closet. Even that underwear drawer! Every day we wake up, we must get dressed, right? And honestly, getting dressed is a tool for us (dress as the job you want, not the one you have sort of deal), so if you don’t feel confident in it or if you haven’t worn something in the last year, sell it, donate it, get rid of it! This is also a chance to pick up a few new key items for the upcoming seasons without having too much in your closet. A clean space helps you feel a fresh start. New season, new you!

Your mindset.

Yes, your mindset needs a detox, refresh, and upgrade like your closet each season. Sometimes journaling feels good in the winter because it’s naturally more reflective, so maybe that’s something you keep for the colder months. And now that the sun is up much earlier, you can meditate as the morning light shines through your window! Or maybe since spring is coming and it’s a tad warmer out, it’s going for a walk around lunchtime to shake off any stress and get centered again. Find different ways to ground yourself, feel a fresh start, and know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Another way to refresh your mindset is to light a candle (like the Palo Santo Candle) with intention in your office, while you’re having your morning coffee, or even when you’re in the tub, have it be the reminder of the new months and journey ahead. (Much like when women have different perfumes for different occasions, if perfume isn’t your thing, find a candle scent you like! Palo Santo is an incense burned by Incas, indigenous people of the Andes, and Shamans for spiritual purifying, energy cleansing, and healing. We prefer it to burn sage in your space due to its more woody and cleaner scent. Get yours now!)

Your self-care routine.

Let’s freshen it up, ladies! Check your beauty counter or your skincare drawer. What’s expired? What’s empty? What’s something you didn’t love but felt guilty for paying for and not using, so naturally, you keep? Let’s be intentional with our self-care this season. Is there a new tool or product you’ve wanted to try? Let’s incorporate it into our new routine! We’ve been obsessed with the Frankincense Honey Mask lately, especially in the mornings - talk about feeling a fresh start. You could also add a weekly pilates class or a monthly massage to your routine! Caring for yourself and switching up the act to make you feel the new chapter is a great way to welcome springtime.

Whether mental, emotional, spiritual, or even physical, take the natural switch in seasons to help cleanse your soul, make minimal changes, and prep you for a fresh start this season. How do you like to spring clean? Let us know below!