Smudging 101

Have you ever felt a deep need to restart and shift your energy?

Trust us, you are not alone, and we’re excited to share with you how you can clear the energy of a room and within yourself by practicing the ancient art of smudging. It comes from the Native American healing and shamanic traditions of working with energy. Smudging is a ritual that involves the burning of sacred herbs for spiritual cleansing to ward off negativity and toxicity. You can think of it as clearing the slate for more positivity to enter your space. The most common herb used in smudging is the white sage, as well as sweetgrass and palo santo. However, these are sacred herbs, and there are many great alternatives if you don’t have access to them. 

What happens is our homes can pick up energies from many things, such as arguments, useless clutter, and overall holding onto behaviors and thoughts that no longer serve us. By using smudging to clear the energies, the air around you will be purified, and your home will feel refreshed. 

Smudging or smoke offerings are found in many traditions such as Buddhism, Native American, and other spiritual religions. Nowadays, people of all backgrounds understand the healing benefits of burning dried plants to clear energy. If you’ve been thinking about implementing smudging into your self-care practice, now is as good a time as any.

How to Use a Smudge Stick

1. Allow enough space and time for the ritual so you don’t feel rushed. If possible, meditate for at least five minutes to calm your mind and heart. 

2. Making sure all your windows are closed, and light the smudge stick (carry a fireproof dish underneath it to catch any ash). Close your eyes, and set the intention of letting go of what no longer serves your highest good. Start at the front door of the home and then begin to move around the home.

3. Carry this positivity into every room in your home, making sure to take your time around corners and in thresholds such as doors, curtains, and windows. Enjoy the process and feel it in your heart when you're done with each room.

4. Put out the smudge stick.

We are thrilled to carry smudge sticks both online and directly at Health Resonates.