5 Tips for Parents Starting the School Year Stress-Free

It’s back to school time! Some of us may love the thought of more daily structures and getting back into the school year flow, while others may find it challenging to shift themselves and their children from summer fun to studies. Today we are sharing five tips to help make this transition easier and support you and your child for a more stress-free start to the school year!

  1. Create a Back-to-School Checklist - Start by creating a checklist of all the tasks that must be completed before the first day of school. This could include purchasing school supplies, arranging transportation, or updating necessary paperwork.

  2. Establish Routines in Advance - A sudden transition from a relaxed summer schedule to fixed school routines can be overwhelming. Gradually reintroduce regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and wake-up times at least a week before school starts to minimize stress. This will help your body and mind adjust to a new schedule.

  3. Organize School Supplies - One of the most significant stressors during the back-to-school transition is getting all the necessary supplies together. Begin by taking an inventory of what you have and what you need. Having everything readily accessible will save you time and prevent last-minute panics.

  4. Plan Lunches and Snacks - Meal planning can save valuable time and alleviate stress during the school week. Create a weekly menu to ensure your child has nutritious lunches and snacks in their lunchbox. You can also involve your child in planning to ensure their preferences are considered. Preparing lunch the night before can also streamline a busy morning routine.

  5. Practice Self-Care- Remember that the start of the school year can be stressful for parents too. Prioritize self-care to maintain your well-being. Get enough sleep, schedule monthly massages in advance, and seek support when needed. Your emotional well-being will positively impact your ability to support and guide your child through this transition.

Don’t forget to take deep breaths with your kiddo before sending them off on their first day. Grounding in together and taking a moment is a great way to set the energy for a great school year ahead!